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来源:湖北经济学院学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2020-11-02
摘要:Second round interviews can last anything between a few hours and two days spent at a hotel. Here your communication, leadership and social skills will be assessed. You might have to give a presentati

Second round interviews can last anything between a few hours and two days spent at a hotel. Here your communication, leadership and social skills will be assessed. You might have to give a presentation chair a meeting and discuss various topics. In addition, companies often ask you to sit tests, some of which examine your mathematical and problem-solving skills, while others test your personal and communication skills.

These interviews are intended to give you the opportunity to shine. Try to relax and enjoy it, you will not be at your best if you let your nerves take over. Just remember, if you are not accepted, then you probably would not have enjoyed the work anyway. Just try to make the most of the interviews.

16. What kind of role may the students never play in the process of interview?

A) Mock interviewee. B) Graduate trainee.

C) Question asker. D)Chairman of a meeting.

17. By saying “No one is too poor to afford soap”, the au thor probably suggest________.

A) that interviewees are rich enough to buy soap

B) that it's better to bring with them a beauty soap when being interviewed

C) that interviewees should take a bath

D) that buying soap is essential in job-bunting interviews

18. Usually, the function of interviewer's open-ended questions relating to the application

form is

A) to acquire some personal details

B) to dispel some doubts

C) to kill the time

D) to encourage the interviewee to talk

19. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A) The purpose of the first interview is to gain a good first impression

B) The whole interview process usually consists of two rounds.

C) The second round interviews last longer than the first one.

D) If your application is refused, it is certain that you are incapable for the post.

20. What is implied but not clearly stated in the passage is that________.

A) personal appearance and body language help to obtain good impression

B) in the first round you'll be involved in answering as well as asking questions

C) good preparation, confidence and relaxation is vital to the success of job interview

D) the second round is to evaluate your abilities in communication leadership,

mathematical and problem-solving as well as personal and social skills

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (每小题1分,共30分) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B),C)and D). Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

21. Larry ran blindly across the room _________ into pieces of furniture.

B. jumping

C. breaking

D. striking

22.The child was so happy that its face ________ with pleasure.

A.lit up

B. flamed

C. turned up

D. sparkled

23.There were ________ opinions as t the best location for the new school.

A. disagreeing

B. rejecting

C. conflicting

D. reverting

is the largest of the fifty states that _______ the USA.

A. consist of

B. include

C. contain

D. constitute

showed great enthusiasm in ________ the new learning.

A. chasing

B. pursuing

C. searching

D. following

26. It was because the applicant was too conceited ______ he failed in the job interview.

A. that

B. so that

C. therefore

D. so

27.________ he could see, not a single piece of furniture was worth a five-pound note.

A.As far as

B. Now that

C. As long as

D. Such as

28.They must make up their own minds ________ their minds for them.

of our making up

B. instead for us making up

for us to make up

D. instead that we make up

29.__________ , the drive won’t be more than an hour.

A. No matter which road take you

B. No matter which road do you take

C. No matter which road you take

D. No matter you take which road

30. They tried to trick her ________ accepting their terms.

A. for

B. into

C. about

D. to

31.He doesn’t want ________ that he’s going away.

A.to be known B. that to be known C. him to be known D. it to be known

32._______ , here paper is of greater value than yours.

A. All things be considered

B. All things to be considered

C. All things being considered

D. All things considered

33.Were he to tell us everything, we ____________ to solve his problem.

A. can try

B. had tried

C. could try

D. would have tried

34.Smith had some trouble ________ the men’s accent.

A. to understand

B. for understanding

C. understanding

D. with


out of the window, Laura saw him ________ towards the bus stop.

A. ran

B. running

C. run

D. to run

36.You _____________ her in her office last Friday: she's been there since then.

A. needn't have seen

文章来源:《湖北经济学院学报》 网址: http://www.hbjjxyxb.cn/zonghexinwen/2020/1102/460.html


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